Contact Information

Person X
Founder & CEO
Ph: xxxxxxxx
Mail: xxxxxxx
Person Y
Head of sth
Ph: xxxxxxxx
Mail: xxxxxxx

About Us

It would be living in denial or even plain unfair if one says that the struggles of job hunt is the same for everyone. Let’s face it, the difficulties of finding a job is not the same for people with disabilities. While there are quite a few challenges, the biggest one is the stigma associated with differently abled people. Employers or people assume they’re incapable of performing tasks, leave alone the efficiency, which means they’re apprehensive to even give them a chance. This apprehension stems from lack of awareness about the tools available, incorrect perception and unwillingness to make the workplace more inclusive. But it is important to note that there are always exceptions. Here we JOBS FOR ALL are open to hiring people for their skillset and look beyond their disabilities. This means that you have to keep applying and not give up! We act as a link between employers and job seekers with a sensory challenge.